Over the years the Tin Cup Challenge has helped tremendously with the ongoing expenses incurred by the beautiful Teton Valley Museum. The museum is an important resource for local people and people traveling through the valley, to learn and grow with the valuable information found there. Maintaining the building is important and the funding received from the Tin Cup Challenge is extremely …
teton valley museum
Competitive Grant Awards 2021: Teton Valley Museum
Founding Family Exhibit – Awarded $4,612The Community Foundation of Teton Valley was honored to award this grant to the Teton Valley Museum to create a video display of a historic Teton Valley shingle mill that operated for numerous decades as part of a sawmill in Teton Canyon. The Community Foundation strongly supports telling the story of Teton Valley’s settlement history as a means …
2021 Competitive Grant Awards
Thanks to the generosity of Tin Cup Challengers, the Community Foundation was able to award 15 Competitive Grants to Teton Valley nonprofits through this year’s Competitive Grant Program. In total, $56,645 was awarded to directly support programs and projects that will elevate lives in Teton Valley.Twenty-four organizations submitted applications for a total ask of $91,427. …
Community Counts: Teton Valley Museum
Knowing our pastWhen the pioneers settled Teton Valley in 1882 they did so with conviction and courage, facing challenges and dangers. They not only survived, but they also thrived and built a community that is a beautiful legacy to their determination.Among their challenges was Spanish Influenza in 1918, that kept people in their homes in quarantine and reduced most activities to only those …
Why It Matters: Teton Valley Museum
When a second grader’s eyes light up as you tell them they can get in the wagon at the Teton Valley Museum, you understand what the museum means to the valley. It gives that young visitor a chance to imagine what it was like when his ancestors rode into the valley for the first time.When a family enters the Veterans exhibit on the second floor of the museum, it makes them proud to see their dad’s …