Honor friends and loved ones by giving to causes that were near and dear to their hearts. Donations to the Foundation’s memorial funds allow you to support nonprofits that embody the spirit of these individuals, add to their legacy, and support our community.
A.J. Linell —1975-2015
The A.J. Linnell Memorial Trail Fund will support the construction and maintenance of biking and hiking trails in the Teton Valley that connects neighborhoods with the peaks and valleys that A.J. loved. A cyclist, educator, city councilor, mountain guide, and an environmentalist, A.J. envisioned a trails system that would provide easy access to the backcountry from downtown Victor, making the quiet and beauty of the wilderness available to all. Contributions are tax-deductible.
Andy Tyson —1968-2015
Tax-deductible contributions to the Andy Tyson Memorial Fund will serve mountain communities in the developing world through projects that promote the appreciation of their environment and opportunities for the development of outdoor skills. The goal of this fund will be to provide resources for expeditions; training in mountain skills and to match outside expertise with local interest.