The Community Foundation of Teton Valley administers the Nonprofit Newsgroup mailing list as a way to share resources and increase collaboration among members of the Teton Valley nonprofit community. Postings on the Newsgroup are limited to non-religious, non-political, and professionally appropriate items. The Newsgroup is maintained as a neutral source of information and is not intended to advocate any particular mission or cause.
Staff, board, volunteers, donors, and other interested members of Teton Valley nonprofits are eligible to subscribe to the Newsgroup. You must be subscribed to post and receive messages. Please read the Nonprofit Newsgroup Guidelines and Instructions.
Visit the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole to sign up for the JH Nonprofit Listserv. To keep up with Teton Valley nonprofits, please submit the form below. Thank you!
To subscribe, submit your email address and we’ll email you a confirmation link to complete the signup process.