Contributions of all sizes to funds held at the Community Foundation help to empower thoughtful philanthropic investment in our community and beyond. Since 1989, donors have trusted us to intelligently manage and responsibly allocate charitable resources. Together, much has been accomplished, and all of our lives have been enriched.

Investment Objective & Philosophy
Prudent stewardship of funds is our priority. Our fund management objectives are twofold, to:
• Preserve and grow principal.
• Manage risk.
Our philosophy is to provide long-term sources of funding that benefit both fundholders and nonprofits. To pursue this strategy, we rely on the professional judgment of our investment advisors along with the local oversight of our knowledgeable and experienced Investment Committee.
Investment Management
Our pooled investments create an economy of scale that provides access to advisors, managers, and investment options that would not otherwise be available to small organizations.
Our investment advisor, Canterbury Consulting, is consistent in implementing our investment policy, focusing on risk-adjusted returns. We adhere to a board-approved Statement of Investment Objectives and Policies, the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act, and the Uniform Prudent Investor Act.
Management Fees
We allocate the costs associated with investment management proportionally to the individual Endowment and Investors Circle funds that hold those investments. Investment management fees, which vary over time depending on changes to the mix of assets, currently represent about 1% of assets under management.