We live in a unique community where we are surrounded by world renown mountains, wildlife and natural splendor. Although we are currently experiencing increased employment levels within Teton Valley we still have a community with a significant disparity in financial assets (aka the “ALICE” syndrome: Asset Limited –Income Constrained – Employed). A significant percentage of residents live marginally above the poverty line – they do not qualify for any form of assistance yet the cost of housing, health care, food and other basic needs leaves them barely surviving with no financial reserve. An illness, unexpected auto repair, high utilities and any emergency results in financial distress.
This past year we all experienced increased costs for food, transportation, medical care and utilities – especially after a winter with extended sub-zero temperatures and an abundance of snow. Many residents depleted their firewood reserves and fell short of being able to pay for utilities. For families with children, childcare (especially for infants through pre-school) was costly and became extremely difficult if not impossible to obtain.
While the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer considered a national, state or local emergency many families are still recovering from the pandemic. Loss of programs that provided assistance to low-income residents are no longer available. In many cases families are more stressed financially than in previous years.
The St. Francis “TIN CUP” fund provides assistance to those in a crisis situation and helps bridge the gaps which occur when other funding resources are not available. Your donation helps make this possible; it allows us to assist community members and organizations in need.
Thank you for your continued support. Thank you to the Community Foundation of Teton Valley for your tireless assistance, advice and support to our non-profit organizations and helping us all work together to provide assistance to our Teton Valley community.
The St. Francis “Tin Cup” Committee