In collaboration with Mission Met, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley is excited to announce a cohort of seven local nonprofits that will work together over the next two years to manifest and implement their strategic plans. Participating organizations include the Community Resource Center, Mental Health Coalition, Ski Education Foundation, Teton Arts, Teton Valley Community Recycling, Teton Valley Food Pantry, and Trails & Pathways.
Executive Directors and accompanying Board members attended an all-day, in-person workshop with Mission Met leaders, Eric Ryan & Paul Lamb this week. Before meeting, participating organizations were tasked with homework in order to take the highest advantage of their time together. Mission Met’s Thrive Program is accompanied by unique software that will unify participants and allow collaboration throughout their two-year journey. The first four months will be a concentrated effort, followed by 18 months of check-ins with Mission Met.
The Community Foundation of Teton Valley is excited to offer this opportunity to strengthen the foundation of local organizations and ensure missions are being executed in a strategic manner. “Pooling resources, encouraging collaboration, and approaching missions strategically will ensure the greatest possible impact within our community.”, according to Tim Adams, Executive Director of the Community Foundation. Participants agreed heartily, “Past strategic planning has had so much structure, it was easy to get burned out, Mission Met has given us the skills to make a leap forward.” Nonprofits are excited to have a shared language, structure, and tools that will help them work together to tackle bite-size pieces of planning and feel more confident in their missions and strategies as they move forward.
While organizations are responsible for $1,500, the Community Foundation provided a 58% scholarship to make this program viable locally. Nonprofits will gather for hybrid meetings at the Community Foundation office for regular, scheduled check-ins as part of this 2-year cohort. Working together will ensure collaboration and consistency.
For more information, visit the Community Foundation’s website at, call the Community Foundation office at 208.354.0230 or email