Teton Valley Trails & Pathways used $3,904.39 of a $5,000 Competitive Grant award on the construction of a hardened culvert crossing through a riparian area on the new Northside Trail in Teton Canyon (formerly known as the Parallel Trail).
In conjunction with $41,883 Wyoming RTP funding, the additional Community Foundation funding allowed them to complete the entire .6-mile first portion of the Northside Trail, including the short riparian section which was not funded by the Wyoming RTP funding. Additionally, they returned the unused portion of their competitive grant after this part of the project came in under budget.
The Northside trail offers an alternative to the Teton Canyon winter trail, the Teton Canyon summer road, and the Sheep Bridge trail. Eventually, the trail will connect with the Boy Scout camp and the Sheep Bridge trail to make a loop. This project directly advances thier mission of creating new trail options for residents of and visitors to Teton Valley.

Frequent users like Jared, a resident of Driggs appreciate the new Northside trail. The trail allows him to enjoy our public lands on foot, walk his dog, and spend time in nature. He notes that he appreciates that this trail helps disperse recreation and spread users out in Teton Canyon. Here is his first-hand quote:
I have thoroughly enjoyed the addition of the new trail in Teton Canyon with its setting along the creek that then winds through the magical forest. It has provided a nice, and much needed, addition to the Teton Canyon experience so folk can be more spread out in their recreational choices. I watched the meticulous progress of the building of the trail so I know how much labor went into this endeavor and am looking forward to the next stage of the project. Thank you TVTAP!”
Jared Power, Driggs