As the New Year approaches and we prepare to say goodbye to 2015, the Community Foundation wants to take a moment and celebrate all that was accomplished through the grants program this year because of our community of donors. Their generosity funded 32 initiatives in our community with over $50,000 in grant money that may not otherwise have been available. The organizations that received these awards work hard each day to develop and continue innovative and impactful programs that improve lives in our community and our donors are a part of their success.
Their gifts provided support for Friends of the Teton River’s “Widescreen Watersheds” program, designed to promote the use of technology in science in alignment with Idaho’s STEM education goals while teaching local K-12 students about water resource issues that affect Teton Valley. Their generosity has allowed the Teton Valley Mental Health Coalition to initiate a pilot Yoga Therapy Project that will combine the practices of yoga, mindfulness and group therapy techniques to increase psychological flexibility and well-being for women suffering from mental illness. Their commitment to our community and our future, allowed us to continue our Youth Philanthropy program designed to educate and engage the next generation in philanthropy.
These programs and much more were made possible because of our donors. So as we say goodbye to 2015 and eagerly welcome a new year filled with new opportunities, we hope you will join us in a thank you to those who make our work possible. They are improving lives in Teton Valley through the power of generosity and this community would be a far different place without them.