The Community Foundation of Teton Valley is excited to announce that this year’s upcoming Youth Philanthropy program will distribute $10,000 in awards with maximum proposals of $1,500.Application Period: Opens at 9 AM on Monday, September 30, 2024. Deadline: Submit applications by 5 PM on Friday, October 18, 2024.Now in its 14th year, the Youth Philanthropy Program …
youth philanthropy
2023 Youth Philanthropy Awards
The Community Foundation of Teton Valley’s Youth Philanthropy Program, in partnership with Advanced Placement Dual Enrollment Government classes at Teton High School, announced this year’s Youth Philanthropy grant winners at an Awards Assembly on Wednesday, November 15. In its thirteenth season, this year marks a total of over 500 students engaged and $65,000 in grant awards via this multifaceted …
Youth Philanthropy Grant Application to Open
The application period for the Community Foundation of Teton Valley’s Youth Philanthropy Program, in partnership with Dual Enrollment Government classes at Teton High School, is just around the corner. Nonprofit applicants can help graduating seniors understand the value of philanthropy and provide impact in the community.Application Period: Opens at 9 AM on Monday, September 25, …
Opening Doors/Abriendo Puertas Program
$1,000 - Education Foundation of Teton ValleyThe 2022 Youth Philanthropy students were honored to fully fund a grant of $1,000 to the Education Foundation of Teton Valley for the purpose of supporting Opening Doors/Abriendo Puertas – a national parenting program designed to honor and support parents as their child's first teacher.The Youth Philanthropists recognized the Education Foundation’s …
Veterinary Care for Homeless Pets in Teton Valley
$1,000 - PAWS of Teton ValleyThe 2022 Youth Philanthropy students were pleased to fully fund a grant of $1000 to PAWS of Teton Valley for the purpose of providing veterinary care for homeless pets in Teton Valley.On Jan 1, 2022, PAWS of Jackson Hole acquired the Teton Valley Community Animal Shelter in Driggs, ID, because it was going out of business. Renamed, PAWS of Teton Valley, it is the only …
Cultivating a School Farm and Garden Program
$1,000 - Driggs Elementary School Parent-Teacher OrganizationThe 2022 Youth Philanthropy students were honored to fully fund a grant of $1000 to the Driggs Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (DES PTO) for the purpose of providing field-trip educational program days that will help to initiate a farm and garden program at Driggs Elementary School.DES is the last public K-3 elementary …
Maintaining Clean Streets & Volunteer Safety
$500 - Downtown Driggs AssociationThe 2022 Youth Philanthropy students were honored to provide a partial grant of $500 to the Downtown Driggs Association for the purpose of purchasing equipment to keep volunteers and partners safe during large-scale annual Driggs trash pick-up events and streetscape improvement efforts.According to a 2022 report from Teton Regional Economic Coalition, Teton …
Continuing Education for Animal Care Staff
$500 - Aska's Animals FoundationThe 2022 Youth Philanthropy students were honored to provide a partial grant of $500 to the Aska’s Animals Foundation for the purpose of providing the organization’s animal care staff with continuing education to further their knowledge of canine behavior and development and to better assess and rehabilitate dogs with aggressive tendencies.The Youth Philanthropists …
Rescue Backboard for Summer Pool Program
$500 - Teton Valley AquaticsYouth Philanthropists partially funded a rescue backboard for the Teton Valley Aquatics Summer Pool Program. In 2022, Teton Valley Aquatics expanded its Summer Pool Program to include over 400 adult activity participants. However, with this increase of adults, particularly elderly participants, the risk of removing an unconscious adult from the pool also increased. If …
Christmas for Teens
$1,000 - Subs for SantaYouth Philanthropists fully funded Subs for Santa's proposal for student volunteers to help their program by purchasing Christmas gifts for teens that are age and gender-appropriate, which will be distributed to pre-selected teens in need over the holidays. Teens have, traditionally, been the most difficult age group to satisfy - who would know better than a teen what's on …