Mountain Bike the Tetons was awarded a $1,000 Competitive Grant for Professional Development focused on fundraising and financial leadership to increase sustainability.

On December 14, 2023, the MBT Board of Directors and Executive Director gathered in the Community Foundation’s Nonprofit Conference Room with some cold beverages, delicious food, and Kari Anderson of Incite Consulting for an intimate, engaged, and focused professional training session. The theme of the evening was “Setting the stage for developmental growth”. Over the course of two hours, they covered fundamental structures for board and staff success and strategies to capitalize on fundraising and stewardship of donors.
This gathering, with a focus on cultivating a positive board culture, educating and developing the organization from within, positively affects the overall health of the organization. Members and staff become more valuable, productive, and efficient in setting and achieving ambitious yet realistic objectives to realize the mission. The evening also offered an opportunity to personally recognize and thank each member of the board for their dedication and support. Board and staff greatly appreciated this opportunity to grow!