Strategic Planning Project – $5,000
At the Community Foundation, we believe in growing programs from the inside out. This often requires local nonprofits to implement focused strategic planning efforts. This spring, we awarded Family Safety Network with a grant for $5,000 to fund expanded community service efforts.
Over the last 12-18 months, Family Safety Network has seen an increase in clients served per month from 25 to 35 or more. Annually, the organization serves 250-300 clients who are victims of sexual and domestic violence. While it remains unknown if domestic incidents are actually increasing in the community or whether awareness around these issues is increasing, at the population in coming forward in need of services is quickly multiplying. In order to meet this growing need, the Network is extending its services to children and family advocacy this year, a service gap that has long been identified in the valley. It will continue to serve its existing clients, who are most frequently victims of sexual and domestic violence.
In order to fund this development, the Network is hiring a strategic planning consultant, Kari Anderson, from Incite! Consulting Group in Spokane, Washington. Her work will focus on five main areas: “Identity” (values, behavior, and mission core); “Inspiring the Future” (near and long term vision, mission timeline, and strategic focus areas); “Current State” (internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats, possible & likely scenarios); “Architecture for the Future” (key players, required patterns of behavior, and shaping what they think, feel and know); and “Goals & Strategies” (SMART goals, strategies to achieve them, and action plan).
Family Safety Network’s goal is to function at a high level of efficiency with a well-defined internal dynamic. As the only agency in Teton Valley equipped to deliver service to victims of trauma, it strives to ensure that it is serving the community’s needs to the best of its ability, while raising awareness that advocacy and assistance is available to those in need.