EXCEPTIONAL…”Forming an exception, rare; better than average; deviating from the norm” (www.merriam-webster.com). A four-syllable adjective that means so much and yet so little at the same time. The definition, it seems, doesn’t do the word justice, leaving us to define in our own lives and on our own terms what and who is truly exceptional. This is no less so in the nonprofit world where organizations must stand out so that their voices are heard, their programs are funded and their services remain available.
In his upcoming workshop, Exceptional Board Practices (Friday, November 7, 2014), John Heymann of the NewLevel Group will help local nonprofit board members and staff to further define what being exceptional means in the nonprofit world. “This participative workshop will give board members and staff of nonprofit agencies an opportunity to explore best practices for building and maintaining a healthy and vibrant governance board” says Heymann.
With more than 35 years of experience as an entrepreneur, business owner and nonprofit leader, Heymann has a keen understanding of the needs of both businesses and the nonprofit sector. His company, NewLevel Group is committed to advising nonprofit organizations in building capacity and ensuring sustainability. On Friday, November 7, 2014 from 9am- 12:30pm at the Driggs Senior Center; John will use his experience and knowledge to lead workshop attendees on a discussion of board development, maintenance and structure.
As the foundation of any nonprofit organization, developing an exceptional board is key to continued success and sustainability. According to Carrie Mowrey, Community Foundation of Teton Valley Executive Director, “a nonprofit can only go so far without an engaged and knowledgeable board. This is why the Community Foundation of Teton Valley felt that it was so important to provide this workshop opportunity to the Teton Valley nonprofit community, thanks to the generosity of our Tin Cup Challengers.” Nonprofit board members who attend this half day workshop will be able to further develop and fine-tune their skills and contributions as part of the board while nonprofit staff will leave with a better understanding of the roles and functions of the board as it relates to their own role within the organization.
Topics to be covered will include:
- Clarifying roles and expectations of nonprofit board and staff
- Exploring a model of shared governance for exceptional leadership
- How to recruit, train and retain excellent board members
- Proactive financial management to build capital and long-term financial sustainability
- Tools for designing and managing productive and engaging meetings
Join us on Friday, November 7th from 9am – 12:30pm at the Driggs Senior Center and discover what the quality of leadership means to the success of YOUR organization while gaining practical information and tools you can put into immediate action. Space is limited so reserve your spot today by emailing us HERE or by calling the Community Foundation of Teton Valley office at 208-354-0230. Cost is $20.00 per participant with a light breakfast and lunch provided.