The Community Foundation of Teton Valley is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2012 CFTV Competitive Grant program.
An annual grant cycle that starts in January, the CFTV Competitive Grant program funds local nonprofit projects and initiatives that address a clear and compelling community need. Over $90,000 in funding was requested by 16 organizations during the 2012 grant cycle.
“Although we doubled our available funding this year thanks to the success of last year’s Tin Cup Challenge, we received grants totaling well over the amount we had designated for competitive grants,” said Shannon Brooks Hamby, executive director, Community Foundation of Teton Valley. “We are always inspired by the initiatives developed by our local nonprofit community and we are honored to support their efforts.”
The following organizations will receive funding from the Community Foundation’s Competitive Grant program:
CIty of Driggs/Downtown Driggs Community Association
Funds will support Driggs Plein Air, a new multi-day and multi-event art festival with a focus on painting outdoors.
Teton County Idaho Search and Rescue
TCSAR will receive funding for a wireless laptop, modem and printer to help rescue teams communicate in real time while in remote areas, gain secure access to the sheriff’s dispatch system, and print photos and topo maps in the field, allowing quick and efficient communication while searching for lost or injured people in the backcountry.
Teton Regional Land Trust
The TRLT will collaborate with the Upper Snake and Henry’s Fork Cooperative Weed Management areas to implement a landscape-scale, cooperative weed control initiative in Teton Valley, including bio-control and chemical control of noxious weeds on private conservation lands along the Teton River corridor in Teton Valley.
Teton Valley Community Animal Shelter
The TVCAS will attend the 2012 Animal Care Expo, the largest education/training conference and trade show in the fields of animal care and control, rescue and emergency services, to participate in educational workshops.
Teton Valley Community School
TVCS will expand and develop an Educational Resource Library to be shared with public and private schools in Teton Valley.
Teton Valley Food Bank
TVFB will replace old shelving units and purchase additional shelving to support the increase in donated supplies, and increase in community use of Food Bank programs.
Teton Valley Foundation
Teton Valley Foundation (TVF), working in partnership with the City of Victor, will use grant funds to assist in the construction of a permanent, covered, timber frame stage in Victor City Park. This structure
will represent a significant improvement to the existing stage in the park, in terms of both utility and beauty, and it will create a year-round community asset for Teton Valley.
Teton Valley Hospital
TVH will use grant funds toward the purchase of a slit lamp, a high-intensity light source for illuminating different parts of the eye coupled with a low-strength microscope that will allow the emergency room staff to potentially treat patients with eye issues immediately.
Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation
TVSEF will use grant funds toward the purchase of a race timing system to allow for timed practices as part of regular training schedules, and for the expansion of TVSEF hosted, revenue-generating events.
Teton Valley Trails and Pathways
TVTAP will purchase a Global Positioning System (GPS) to assist in mapping existing and future trails and pathways in Teton Valley. These maps will be used in funding applications and in presentations to local government agencies, as well as the most current trail and pathway information for local agencies, residents and visitors. The unit will also be available to other nonprofit agencies.
Valley Advocates for Responsible Development
VARD will work with community visioning and GIS mapping consultant to produce three-dimensional visualizations of future growth scenarios for Teton County, Idaho. The completed visualizations will be presented at educational events and be made available to local officials, planners and other organizations working to engage the public in the comprehensive planning process.
In partnership with the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, CFTV will also provide funding support to the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance’s Executive Leadership training, a collaborative effort between environmental organizations in Jackson Hole and Teton Valley. Grant funds for this project will help offset fees for attending Teton Valley nonprofit organizations.
“Thanks to the generosity of our Community Challengers and supporters of our Grant program, we awarded over $26,000 to local nonprofits, a 35% increase in competitive grant funding over 2011” said Brooks Hamby.
In five years, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley has awarded more than $77,500 to Teton Valley nonprofits through their Competitive Grants program, and nearly $101,000 through competitive grants and grants combined.
About the Community Foundation of Teton Valley
Founded in 2007, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley seeks to improve the quality of life in Teton Valley by bringing people together through philanthropic leadership. We seek to strengthen local nonprofits through grants and programs, to serve as a resource for local donors in establishing charitable funds and to plan and execute the Tin Cup Challenge, an annual fundraiser for Teton Valley nonprofits that in four years has raised more than $3.7 million to benefit Teton Valley nonprofits.