On Saturday, July 16, more than 1,000 of your friends and neighbors are expected to participate in the 9th Annual Tin Cup Challenge. The Tin Cup Challenge is both a 9-week campaign for giving and a one-day event celebrating our community’s spirit of generosity. In eight years, we’ve raised over $8 million for local nonprofit organizations.
In preparation for the 5K Fun Run/Walk and 5K/10K competitive races, Main Street will be closed to all vehicular traffic from Short Street to Bates Road/East Little Avenue beginning at 8am. Additionally, Bates Road/East Little Avenue to Courthouse Drive will also close to vehicular traffic at that time. At 9am, 5K Fun Run/Walk participants, as well as 5K/10K competitive runners will line up on Main Street for the start of the race. Participants will then head north on Main Street until turning west onto Bates Road at the stoplight. Road closures will remain in effect until approximately 11am.
Teton Valley Idaho Search & Rescue, in partnership with the Teton County Sheriff’s Department, will be working with volunteers to direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic along the route. A detour from Short Street on the south and East Little Avenue on the north will provide vehicular access during the closure of Main Street, from approximately 8am to 11am. Additionally, the Teton County Sheriff’s Department will provide traffic control support for the westbound lane of Bates Road beginning at Courthouse Drive, which will be used to accommodate both east and westbound traffic during the race. Activities before and after the run will be located in the plaza at Driggs City Center until approximately Noon.
Please note that businesses along the Main Street and Bates Road closures will be open for business and may be accessed by foot with parking available on surrounding streets. Driggs Post Office, Kaufman’s OK Tire, Barrels & Bins Community Market and Corner Drug may be accessed via the Broulim’s parking lot and public parking behind the Colter Building will be available by way of Depot Street. Those attending the community celebration are asked to comply with all “No Parking” signs around Driggs City Center and to be respectful of customer parking for businesses, as well as homeowner’s driveways, when parking on surrounding streets. Event parking will be available in the south parking lot at the Teton County Courthouse or ride your bike instead and store it with Teton Valley Trails and Pathways at their FREE bike valet at Driggs City Center.
We invite you to join us as part of this great community event! For more information visit www.tincupchallenge.org and we hope to see you at Driggs City Center on Saturday, July 16, to partake in the fun!
All event organizers and supporters thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation in any traffic delays you may experience during the run.