The donations have been tallied and the results are in for the 8th Annual Tin Cup Challenge giving campaign! On Monday, August 24th the Community Foundation of Teton Valley invited the community to the Tin Cup Challenge Awards Party to share in the celebration of another successful year as they released the final numbers for 2015. “The night serves as the close to the 8th Annual Tin Cup Challenge, a time to gather in celebration of the spirit of generosity in our community and give thanks to all those who make this event such a huge success each year,” said Communications & Events Director, Dawn Banks. And, once again, the event did not disappoint as Community Foundation of Teton Valley Executive Director, Carrie Mowrey, announced that the 2015 Tin Cup Challenge event raised $1,157, 601 for the Teton Valley nonprofit community.
“Together as a nonprofit community, we raised over $1 million for the fifth year in a row, bringing the total raised in just 8 years to over $8 million. When I try to explain to folks outside Teton Valley that our community of only 10,000 residents somehow manages to raise over $1 million for our nonprofits each year, I end up spending half the time simply trying to convince them that it’s true!” Said Mowrey.
With the support of 123 Challengers, 78 Friends of the Challenge and 856 designated gifts to participating nonprofits, the 8th Annual Tin Cup Challenge has been another successful year of generosity in action, with 10 participating nonprofits raising $25,000 or more. The air of excitement carried through the evening as nonprofit staff, board members volunteers and donors celebrated the success and excitedly discussed what they would do with the funds awarded.
According to Mowrey, “The Tin Cup Challenge is truly a remarkable opportunity for the Teton Valley nonprofit community and this year was no exception. These nonprofits serve critical needs and provide excellent resources within our community and we truly appreciate the incredible work that they do. The Tin Cup Challenge is a way for the community to support all the great work being done to improve lives through the power of generosity.”
Food for the hungry, education for our children, protection of our natural resources, shelter for abused and abandoned animals, quality healthcare, cultural and artistic opportunities; the list goes on and on when it comes to what these nonprofits provide. And today, thanks to the Tin Cup Challenge, participating nonprofits can do more of this work in their efforts to make our community a better place for us all.