Elevating lives through the power of generosity.
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Elevating lives through the power of generosity.
In 2020, your support provided the following:

Your charitable donations made to the Tin Cup Challenger Fund and the Community Emergency Response Fund last year meant the Community Foundation of Teton Valley was ready, from the onset of the pandemic, to help bolster vital nonprofit services in our community’s unexpected time of need.
By focusing on our mission and putting nonprofits first, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley was able to conserve and reallocate resources to ensure our community weathered the pandemic as successfully as possible. These measures, in conjunction with the generosity of Business & Community Challengers, meant the Community Foundation was able to present an all-time high Match Grant Award of 60% at the conclusion of the 2020 Tin Cup Challenge.
In a year where so much was uncertain, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley provided a guiding light. The Foundation established a ready way for concerned donors to give via the Community Emergency Response Fund in support of nonprofits on the front-line of Covid response, ensured Tin Cup fundraising at a board level and publicly, created marketing opportunities highlighting nonprofit work and ingenuity, transitioned to a virtual Tin Cup Event Day, designed a mobile Awards Ceremony, and maintained our traditional Tin Cup Challenge Giving Period.
2020 IMPACT:
Click on the program of interest below to jump to that section.
In the face of adversity, the Community Foundation has made every effort to seamlessly continue our work through focused, annual fundraising, grant funding, and Zoom workshops. Via a variety of grant programs and by offering continuing education and support to nonprofit staff & board throughout the year, the Community Foundation provides cyclical stability, resources, networking opportunities, and an always-open door when in need.
“2020 was like no other year. Your generosity provided stability for Teton Valley’s nonprofits and those they serve. Thank you for your support.”

Tim Adams
Executive Director, Community Foundation of Teton Valley

The Power of Community
A message from our Board Chair
It is amazing to reflect on where we were just a year ago. So much was unknown. And now, as spring and summer arrive in our valley, we are moving back to a sense of normalcy. We can look back and be proud of how our community came together… and look forward with increased dedication to preserving and enriching our special corner of the world.
From the perspective of the Community Foundation of Teton Valley, we were able to witness the power of our community. Donors dug deep and put the community first with their generosity. Community members rallied, shared ideas and supported each other. Nonprofits were resilient and creative while continuing to meet the needs of their constituents. This includes the Community Foundation itself. I am very proud of our team and their flexibility and dedication to the Foundation’s mission.
After not being able to gather in person last year, I am especially looking forward to our community celebrations at the Driggs City Park in July and at Moose Creek Ranch in August. I look forward to seeing all of you and your smiles!

Astrid Warden
Board Chair
In the Face of Adversity
A message from our Executive Director
I hope this message finds you healthy and looking forward to a promising 2021. Last year was certainly one that no one will soon forget.
As we navigated through 2020, the Community Foundation redefined how to best serve the community and increase support for local nonprofits during unprecedented times. Innovation and impact were pillars for every decision we made. Supported by these pillars, I could not be more gratified with our achievements. There is so much for which to be grateful. I am incredibly proud of what we accomplished as an organization, staff, Board of Directors, and community.
I will remember 2020 as a time when the Community Foundation of Teton Valley did some of its best work ever and a time when our community came together in the face of adversity to support valley residents and necessary services. There undoubtedly will be more hills to climb and I will certainly be reaching out to our gracious community for help. Given all we achieved together in 2020, I know I can count on you again. Please take care, stay healthy, and I look forward to seeing you in person soon.

Tim Adams
Executive Director
Competitive Grant Program
The Community Foundation’s Competitive Grant Program awards funds to Teton Valley’s nonprofit community in the most strategic and impactful way. Funding decisions are made by our dedicated volunteer Grants Committee of community members with diverse interests and experiences. Thank you to the Tin Cup Business & Community Challengers that make this program and these grants possible!

Thanks to the generosity of Tin Cup Challengers, the Community Foundation was able to award 20 Competitive Grants to Teton Valley nonprofits through the 2020 Competitive Grant Program. $54,525 in total went out directly in support of programs and projects that will elevate lives in Teton Valley. By funding these projects today, we support the future of these organizations and their programming when our community needs them most.

Edible Pollinator Garden


“The software provided through the Community Foundation of Teton Valley’s 2020 Competitive Grant Award was CRUCIAL to our ability to access real-time data and respond to clients – especially during the pandemic. It also helps complete necessary reporting to state and federal agencies. We are saving hours that can now be better used to provide food and related services to our clients.”
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Youth Philanthropy Program
Now in its 10th year, this year’s awards mark the granting of $44,000 in total via this multifaceted program. Youth Philanthropy provides an excellent opportunity to introduce the concept of philanthropy to the next generation while helping them better understand the significant and impactful roles that nonprofits play in our own community.
The Youth Philanthropy Program is made possible through the generosity of Tin Cup Challengers and other private donors who partner with the Community Foundation of Teton Valley to elevate lives through the power of generosity. This year, Challenger Richard Grundler charitably augmented students’ traditional granting capacity with an additional gift, giving them a total of $7,000 in awards to distribute during the Youth Philanthropy grant cycle.
Seniors worked through 16 grant applications with a total funding ask of $13,993.44. After thorough discussion over three class periods, they awarded 4 projects full funding and 6 projects partial grant awards with the funds they had at their disposal.
2020 Youth Philanthropy Awards
- ABC — Above and Beyond the Classroom: $800 – ABC Afterschool: Supporting Strong Bodies and Minds
- Education Foundation of Teton Valley: $1,000 – Bound for Success Seed Money
- Family Safety Network: $560 – Increased Counseling for Children of FSN Clients
- Hispanic Resource Center: $500 – Teton Valley Tenant Education Night
- Immigrant Hope: $522 – Passport Photo Printing Supplies for Immigration Applications
- Subs for Santa: $968 – Teen Christmas Gifts
- Teton Regional Land Trust: $500 – Connecting Youth to the Greater Yellowstone Region’s Natural World
- Teton Valley Foundation: $500 – Protective Gear for Adaptive Sled Hockey Program
- Teton Valley Mental Health Coalition: $1,000 – School-Based Counseling Program
- Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation: $650 – COVID-19 Care Package
2020 Youth Philanthropy
Virtual Awards Ceremony

“Thanks to the support of the Community Foundation of Teton Valley and the Youth Philanthropy Student Committee, Teton Valley Foundation received funding to purchase much-needed protective gear essential to implementing our Adaptive Sled Hockey program at the Kotler Ice Arena. Because of this award, we were able to offer monthly Adaptive Sled Hockey sessions this winter. Skaters from around the region were able to safely spend time on the ice practicing and playing together on the ice.
We also received a call from Teton Valley Adaptive Sports, who we are partnering with on this program, letting us know that there was a quadriplegic student at the Teton High School who would like to participate in our Winter Sports Program. Because we had the necessary safety equipment, we were able to utilize the sleds (acquired through a previous Competitive Grant award from the Community Foundation) and include this student in the Winter Sports Program along with the rest of his classmates.
This is what it is all about – Inclusion and giving people the opportunity to experience the thrill of being on the ice, skating, and playing hockey, who might not otherwise be able to. We are excited to see more people interested and involved, and are proud to play a role in developing this program and watching it grow. Thank you for honoring us with this award.”
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Tin Cup Challenge Program
This annual fundraiser is the lifeblood of many local organizations. Challengers instill annual giving within our community, during the Tin Cup Challenge, by providing a partial Matching Grant to participating organizations. For local nonprofits, the Tin Cup Challenge provides operational funds which can be difficult to find funding for through grants or private donations. This annual drive provides organizational stability and dependability.
13th Annual Tin Cup Challenge
By focusing all our efforts on the success of local nonprofits by shoring up resources and taking the event completely virtual, in 2020, the Tin Cup Challenge raised $1,766,670.37 from 1,234 donors! Since 2008, this event has raised over $16 million, directly benefitting Teton Valley’s cherished nonprofits working tirelessly to enhance our quality of life.

Thank you Tin Cup Challengers!
2020 Community Challengers
Tin Cup Challengers are a special group of individuals who give $1,000 or more to provide a Matching Grant for participating nonprofits. The generosity of our Challengers inspires increased community giving and is the key to the Tin Cup Challenge’s success.
TIN $50,000
Donald C. Brace Foundation
– Karen Scheid
Newton Foundation
Maryann & Frank Russo
Susie & David Work
SILVER $15,000+
Ray & Bill Belk
Richard Berg
Richard Grundler
Charles & Anne Murphy Memorial Fund
Rosemary & John Young
BRONZE $10,000+
Dot & Joe Burns
Vicki & Jim Click
Barbara & Mike Morey
Emery & Bill Royall
Nancy Siverd
Spark Foundation
Beverly & Don Watson
Jean & Bob Benedict
Carol Gregory & Al Bregy
Pauline Elliott & Tony Dodge
Nan Pugh & Mike Barklow
Gina & Kelley Corbridge
Kaye & Harold Dunn
Alice & John Finley
Lynn & Foster Friess
Kathy & Tom Hoffman
M Lazy M Foundation
Jennifer & Gary Price
Cynthia Rutter – The Rutter Foundation
Lee Simmons
Georgie Stanley
LeAnn & Tom Talbot
Vickie & Neil Van Dresar
Anjali Tate & Greg Young
Megan & Travis Allen
Holly Tate & Scott Clark
Tania & Tom Evans
Kris & John Fisher
Keith Gnagey
Carole & Leo Henikoff
Janet Conway Heslin & Buol Heslin
PEWTER$2,500+ Continued
Tina Culman & Chuck Iossi
Robin & John Janes
Glenn Janss
Cathy O’Connor & Chris Larson
Susan & Mayo Lykes
Jenny Charles & Gene Marcowka
Trey Peacock
Marjorie & Tom Peter
Susan & Don Radkoski
James & Pamela Ross
Natalie & Josh Volcko
Sonya & Andrew Watson
Margot & Tim Watters
Jana & Adam Williams
Kate Ohlandt & Jerry Wirkus
Barbara & Jerry Wolahan
Joyce & Felix Zajac
BRASS $1,000+
Robin & Mark Anderson
Anonymous (7)
Suzanne & Tom Arden
Patty Sticher & Clarke Arick
DeeAnn & Al Baldwin
Marie Zolezzi & Richard Barton
Kim & Steve Beres
Al Black
Dargie & Justin Bowersock
Mara & Jack Brannon
Ann-Toy & Porter Broughton
Susan & Dick Brown
Amanda & Nate Carey
Jeff Carter
Aleisha & Kelly Circle
Kathy & Christian Cisco
Patricia O’Leary & Tom Clark
Barbara & Steve Cogswell
Julie & Michael Connolly
Laura & Randy Curtis
Amy & Bill Cutting
Amy & Dave Dery
Mary Ellen Scharffenberger & Dan Dolk
Ken Dunn
Janet & Dale Endris
Dawn Felchle
Deborah & David Fosdick
Jill & Lou Fragoso
Brenda & Chuck Fulp
Susi & Dennis Gertmenian
Monica & Ray Henderson
So La Meé & Bob Heneage
Sheelagh & Raymond Howard
Kathy & Tim Hunt
Rita & Fred Johnson
Elaine Johnson
Ami Sharp & Dean Jones
BRASS $1,000+ Continued
Joselin Matkins & Jeremiah Keavney
Katharine Conover-Keller & Fred Keller
Tim & Emma Kent, in memory of Madi Quissek
Cheryl Koshuta
Debbie & Bill Leake
Ellen Lederman
Edie & Richard Lewis
Deborah & Bob Malheiro
Sue & Tim Mason
Liz & Jim McCane
Kay & Emmett McCarthy
Kathy & Steve McDonald
Kay & Dick McIlroy
Elaine & Eric Moehring
Mary Ann & Duncan Moore
Liz & Derrick Nobman
Molly Absolon & Allen O’Bannon
Lisa & Scott Pierson
Liz Pitcher & Hugh Pitcher
Twing & Chuck Pitman
Alan & Sally Plows
Pam & Dick Poduska
Linda & John Prentice
Putnam Foundation
Joni Paranka & Ben Reese
Ellen Rosenau
Karen & Jazz Russell
Brooke & Donn Saindon
Dean Scheid
Jenohn & Roland Schuler
Sharon & Martin Scott
Julie Krumpen & James Severance
Katharine Shepard
Susie & Steve Singer
Mary Carol Staiger
Julie & Michael Stalnecker
Peggy & John Stanchfield
Lina Marquis & Linda Swope
Susie & Tripp Transou
Anna Trentadue & The Outlaws,
in memory of Rusty Cheney
Kim & Frank Trotter
Linda & John Unland
Peter & Bette Versloot
Glenn & Lisa Vitucci
Virginia Vitucci-Whitlock
Michelle & Stephen Wade
Sandra & Roy Walters
Astrid & Todd Warden
Manfred Weikert
Margie Singleton & Ron Weston
Eugen Williams
Caroline Herter & Ben Winship
2020 Business Challengers
Business Challengers are community leaders who recognize the significance and real impact Tin Cup funds have in our community. These businesses understand the rural nature of Teton Valley and the necessity of neighborly support to thrive. As Business Challengers, these companies are giving back to the whole community by supporting a Matching Grant to all participating nonprofits.
Silver Business $15,000+
Copper Business $7,500+
Nickel Business $5,000+
Pewter Business $2,500+
Brass Business $1,000+
“Teton Valley has taught us what meaningful giving and generosity really are. The Community Foundation of Teton Valley consistently impresses us by accomplishing the improbable by effectively motivating a wide array of resources.”

Laura & Randy Curtis
Community Challengers___________________________________________
Friends of the Challenge $250+
Tim & Shawn Adams
Anonymous (3)
Alexandra & Joost Bongaerts
Kevin Brenden
Jan & Tom Cogbill
Paige & Ross Collins
Bank of Commerce
Margaret Conrad
Betty Ann Craven
Padgett & Greg Engelman
Zona Harkins
Shawn Hill
Lani & Wray Landon
Donn & Ben Larson
Eva & Lars Marmsater
Nancy & Mike McCoy
The McPeak Group – Brett McPeak
Mountain Fire Protection
Joy Sawyer & Michael Mulligan
Marjorie Oakes
Snake River Capital Funding
Brian Thysell
Virginia & Clinton Van Siclen
Claire Vitucci
Wheel Wranglers
Supporters of the Challenge $1-$249
Jeanne & Peter Anderson
Donna Poggi & Jay Anderson
Anonymous (3)
Josh Baumeister
Nadine Bomgren
Pamela & Thomas Booth
Kristy Bruce
Robert & Peggy Capener
Karen & Jim Coleman
Bruce & Judy Connery
Tucky & Brandon Harrison
Linda & Robert Hudasko
Jeremy Jones
Kim Day & Jim Kleine
Allison & David Monroe
Jamie Musnicki
Molly Robertson-Goodrich
Nancy Robins
Elli Sorensen
Andy Steele
Liz Davy & Michael Whitfield
In-Kind Donors & Super Volunteers
American Legion
Brochure Distribution Team
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
Laura & Randy Curtis
Downtown Driggs Association
Kathy Hoffman
Anna Kirkpatrick
MD Nursery
Mason Moore
Rick’s Framing
Elaine Simmons
Sarah Soper
Stinky Prints
“The Tin Cup Challenge is a crucial source of fundraising. It constitutes our largest fundraiser of the year and comes at a crucial time in our fiscal year when cash reserves start running low – as most of our activities take place in winter. Tin Cup funds are used to bolster our scholarship fund and cover much of our operational costs such as rent, insurance, membership dues, and the cost of our registration and fundraising software. These funds provide greater flexibility to use donations collected during our season to reinvest back into our programs and staff which is what our supporters are much more interested in sustaining.”
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Dawn Banks Nonprofit Leadership Award
This award honors Dawn Banks, who served as the Community Foundation’s Director of Marketing & Programs for three years. Dawn was incredibly passionate about Teton Valley’s nonprofit community, working tirelessly to ensure that our local nonprofits have the resources necessary to fulfill their missions.
This year’s award went to Joselin Matkins of the Teton Regional Land Trust. As Executive Director, since 2015 and with the Land Trust since 2013, Joselin devoted her career to the preservation and conservation of the environment. Her commitment to the environment was illustrated through multiple partnerships with other nonprofits, government agencies, community members, and civic groups. Through these efforts, the Teton Regional Land Trust elevated our community and assured that land conservation is a key element of how we develop our community. Joselin’s work to heighten collective community awareness around habitat preservation has made Teton Valley a viable staging area for Sandhill Cranes and host to the annual Greater Yellowstone Sandhill Crane Festival. Her leadership also extended past her own nonprofit, serving on multiple boards in the valley and serving on regional and national conservation boards.
In Memoriam –
March 16, , 1978 to January 8, 2021
Sadly we lost Joselin in January. She was a leader among leaders in our tight-knit nonprofit community – receiving the 4th Dawn Banks Nonprofit Leadership Award.
Joselin’s absence in our community will be a void felt for some time, but the indelible legacy she leaves behind will forever be a reminder of her positive impact on our community.
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Nonprofit Leadership & Support
The Community Foundation started with a strong line-up of workshops and was quick to move meetings onto Zoom when the community began to shelter in place. Since March 2020, all workshops and nonprofit networking opportunities have been held remotely.
Even though mostly by Zoom, 43 organizations were represented by staff & board members during the Community Foundation’s 2020 networking and learning opportunities:

“I am immensely grateful for the Community Foundation of Teton Valley and their many gifts to our community. Whenever I have a nonprofit question, they’re one of the first places I go. They really stay on top of things, so I know I am getting good info and the latest, best practices when I call on them.
I’ve taken many of their nonprofit courses and they are excellent! Again, I know I’m getting the latest scoop and best practices. We always encourage our board members to take the courses offered and I’m going to keep doing that!
One thing I really appreciate about the Community Foundation is how they continue to address my favorite topics, like the real cost of doing nonprofit business, the “overhead myth,” and staff compensation. Nonprofit work is complex, difficult, and much needed. The folks doing the work in our valley are consummate professionals. I appreciate the Community Foundation helping the nonprofit community by taking the lead on how to talk about these issues – especially with board members and donors.
I also love that every time I call, I always get a friendly voice! Thank you! And thank you for all that you do for our valley!”
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Blake Chapman Young Eagles Flight Scholarship
The Blake Chapman Young Eagles Flight Scholarship was created by a group of individuals who wanted to give students in Teton County, ID the opportunity to learn how to fly. This scholarship provides up to $8,500 towards the cost of a Private Pilot Certificate – including instruction, flight time and books. Recipients will incur some fees, as the total cost of obtaining a license is approximately $10,000.
“I am so grateful for the many opportunities that I have been given throughout my life and the Blake Chapman Flight Scholarship is one of them. Because we live in a small area it can seem like we are missing out on things, but we actually have so many options. I am very lucky to have received this scholarship and I am very excited to learn how to fly!”
~ Sadie Hicks
Due to complications from Covid, Sadie will be finishing her studies and receiving her license this summer.

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Community Emergency Response Fund
The Community Foundation of Teton Valley was quick to respond to the pandemic by setting up the Community Emergency Response Fund in March. This fund was readily opened to receive donations from caring community members. Equally, this fund turns around grant requests with 72 hours to ensure funds reach nonprofits on the front-lines of serving those most affected by Coronavirus. Your generosity meant that local nonprofits were able to respond to a dramatic increase in needs in a timely, focused, and efficient manner.
2020 Community Emergency Response Grants:
- ABC – Above & Beyond the Classroom in Teton Valley
- Community Resource Center of Teton Valley
- Seniors West of the Tetons
- Teton Valley Food Pantry
- Teton Valley Mental Health Coalition
- Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation
2020/21 Community Emergency
Response Fund Donors
Shawn & Tim Adams
Megan & Travis Allen
Phyllis Anderson
Jeanne & Peter Anderson
Phyllis Anderson
Anonymous (8)
Barbara & Gerald Aronowitz
Ray & Bill Belk
Kim & Steve Beres
Matthew Blodgett
Justin Bowersock
Kate Ratcliff & Sue Bradshaw
Erin & Tim Burnham
Joe & Dot Burns
Amanda & Nate Carey
Suellen Carman
Elizabeth Chapman
Holly Tate & Scott Clark
Vicki & Jim Click
Paige Collins
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
Community Foundation of Teton Valley
Gina & Kelley Corbridge
Jean Crabtree
Deepen Fund
Catherine Dunn
Samantha Dwinnell
Dawn Felchle
Linda & Price Fessenden
Alice & John Finley
Anne Fish
Greta Frohlich
Garlic Fete
Monica Grohne
Grow Huts
Carol Lichti & Jim Haag
Alison & Peter Hady
Nell & Mark Hanson
Amy & Cory Hatch
Josee Larochelle & Scott Heinen
Susan & Jack Hogan
Cassie & Bob Hopikes
Paul Hudnut
Timothy L. Hunt
Leslie Jones
Dana & Dave Joslyn
Kacey & Kai Karstens
Eileen Kelly
Kate Koons & the Trivia Buddies
Cheryl Koshuta
Joanne LaBelle
Erica Linnell
Lori Bantekas & Chris Lundberg
Deborah & Robert Malheiro
Rob Marin
Kathleen & Milt May
Liz & Jim McCane
Sharon & Brian McDermott
Pauline & John McIntosh
Paul Mead
Linda & Mike Merigliano
Susan Miller
Allison Monroe
Hannah Mook
Mary Ann & Duncan Moore
Diane & K.C. Murphy
Susan & George Nowack
Molly Absolon & Allen O’Bannon
Stacey Oldham
Sofia Paine
Susan & Jay Pence
Marjorie & Tom Peter
Heather Petty
Lisa & Scott Pierson
Liz Pitcher
Pam & Richard Poduska
Powder Mountain Press
Josie Gray & Jared Power
Jen Price
Leslie Prendergast & Pete Quinlan
Janna Rankin
Joni Paranka & Ben Reese
Cheryl & Jim Reinertsen
Thomas Risniger
John Robertson
Molly Robertson-Goodrich
Pamela & James Ross
Maryann & Frank Russo
Cynthia Rutter
Dean Scheid
Beth & Kurt Seibert
Nancy Siverd
Bradley Smith
Andy Steele
Alice & Bob Stevenson
Shelley & Jason Streit
LeAnn & Tom Talbot
Targhee Athletics
Julia Tellman
Diane Temple
Teton County Local Firefighters 4667
Teton Springs Foundation
Tiny Town Culinary
Natalie Volcko
Astrid & Todd Warden
Scott Warden
Abby & Willy Warner
Lloyd Wiser
Joyce & Felix Zajac
“I started wiring and got caught up in the magnitude of what we are doing, the numbers we are supporting, and the quality and accessibility of the services we provide. Every time I work a distribution, every single client says, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Clients are so grateful, whether they are there once a month or every week. Many constituents just need a bit of assistance and this food helps them get by…. so they can pay medical or utility bills, fix a vehicle, or take in an additional family member that would otherwise have no place to go. Every bit helps…..“
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Community Foundation Funds
Whatever your charitable goals are, there is a fund type for you.
Designated Funds
- Anonymous
- Bates Teton River Access Project
- Community Foundation of Teton Valley Competitive Grant Program
- Community Foundation of Teton Valley Youth Philanthropy
- Friends of the Valley of the Tetons Library, Driggs Branch Permanent Building Fund
- Teton Creek Corridor Collaborative
Donor Advised Funds
- A.J. Linnell Memorial Trail Fund
- Andy Tyson Memorial Fund
- Anjali Tate & Gregory Young Fund
- Anonymous
- Deepen Fund
- J. Carlo Cannell Fund
- John & Rosemary Young Fund
- Mark & Robin Anderson Family Fund
- O’Connor-Larson Donor Advised Fund
- Peaked Sports/Richard Weinbrandt Fund
- Peter David Brendsel Fund for Childrens Literacy
- Susan & Donald Radkoski Charitable Fund
- Watters Family Charitable Fund
- Work Family Fund
Endowment Funds
- Family Safety Network Endowment Fund
- Friends of the Teton River Endowment Fund
- Teton EAA Chapter #1049, Blake Chapman Young Eagles Scholarship Endowment
- Teton Springs Foundation Fund
Scholarship Fund
- Teton EAA Chapter #1049, Blake Chapman Young Eagles Scholarship Fund
“I value the opportunity to support the Community Foundation with what they earn on my Donor Advised Fund. I benefit from the ease of making a once-a-year, tax-deductible contribution and being able to readily grant funds out over the course of the year as need arises, without needing to track tax receipts.”

Cathy O’Connor
Donor Advised Fund Holder___________________________________________
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Nonprofit Listserv
In 2020, the Community Foundation’s listserv became a vital resource to communicate nonprofit needs, as well as share valuable information about financial resources being offered by the local, state, and federal government. No longer was it just a place to post upcoming events, which were few and far between, but now the Community Foundation could make sure nonprofits were getting the most up-to-date information about applying for Payroll Protection Plans, Small Business Loans, and more.
Equipment Lending Program
Due to the pandemic, there was not much need for use of our equipment in 2020. However, our Equipment Lending Program remains a valuable service for local organizations. All of the Community Foundation’s tents, tables, and chairs are available to the nonprofit community and are generously subsidized through your charitable donations.
Greater Yellowstone Crane Festival – Teton Regional Land Trust
Wydaho Rendezvous – Teton Valley Trails & Pathways
Volunteer Dashboard
The Community Foundation added a new service to connect residents to local organizations with volunteer needs. Through our new Volunteer Dashboard, nonprofits can now post requests for help and residents can match their time, expertise, and passions to the volunteer opportunities that most speak to them. Although it has seen little use to date due to the pandemic, the Foundation anticipates this dashboard will serve to connect new and existing residents to our nonprofits community as their volunteer needs increase with programs and services opening up again.
Nonprofit Community Space
The Community Foundation’s new Nonprofit Community Space, in our office, had just opened when the pandemic forced us to close the space for health and safety precautions. This space has excitedly been re-opened and is available to the nonprofit community by reservation to host board meetings and private donor meetings when needed. Many thanks to our 2019 Year-End donors!
Emergency Funding
Community Emergency Response Funding
Teton Valley Community Animal Shelter
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2020 Community Foundation of Teton Valley Donors
These gracious donors give directly to support the Community Foundation’s mission to elevate lives through the power of generosity.
Thank you for supporting the Foundation directly!
Sarah & Bruce Adams
Lara & Chris Agnew
Megan & Travis Allen
Jeanne & Peter Anderson
Anonymous (6)
Phyllis Anderson
Rich Baerwald
Sarah & Tom Balben
Bantekas Accounting –
Lori Bantekas & Christ Lundberg
Debra Barracato
Bridget & Josh Baumeister
Ray & Bill Belk
Jean & Bob Benedict
Kim & Steve Beres
Heidi & Eric Blischke
Mara & Jack Brannon
Bronze Buffalo Foundation
Dot & Joe Burns
Pat Butts
Lois Cannon
August & Aaron Christensen
Jill Callahan Close & Brian Close
Karen & Jim Coleman
Susan Miller & Greg Collins
Judy & Bruce Connery
Marilyn Couch
Elodie & Dennis Craig
Sammy Crane-Solis
Kathleen Crowley
Laura & Randy Curtis
DAS Optics
Philbin Degot Schulz
Linda & Jim Edson
Elevated Environmental Consulting
– Niki Richards
Taylor Farnum
John Fedders
Melanie & David Fischel
Greta Frohlich
Shelley & Lou Gaylord
Nancy Griffith
Virginia & Clint Grosse
Janna & William Grover
Carol Lichti & Jim Haag
Jo & Jack Haddox
Alison & Pete Hady
Julie Ann Giacobassi & Zach Hall
Claire & Colin Hames
Nell & Mark Hanson
Tucky & Brandon Harrison
G. & K. Harrison
So La Meé & Bob Heneage
Julie Robinson & Dave Hensel
Mary Herber
Shawn Hill
Jeanine Stefanucci & Derek Hoff
Susan Jackson
Jackson Hole Real Estate Associates –
Kim Beres & Brooke Saindon
Laurel Loveland & Tate Jarry
Jenny & Chris Jensen
Sarah & Brady Johnston
Carl Jordan
Dana & Dave Joslyn
Kacey & Kai Karstens
Joselin Matkins & Jeremy Keavney
Katharine Conover-Keller & Fred Keller
William Kelly
Ray Keyes
Anna & Ken Kirkpatrick
Kim Day & Jim Kleine
Cathy O’Connor & Chris Larson
Shawna Lee
Jane & Peter Linville
Andrea & Jeff Loban
Linda Long
Janet & Guy Loomis
Lucey Electric – Cindy & Jerry Lucey
Erin & Matt Lusins
Jenny Charles & Gene Marcowka
Mary Marcowka
Julie Martin
Mary & Sandy Mason
Sue & Tim Mason
Raylene McCalman
Amy & Forrest McCarthy
Nancy McCullough-McCoy & Mike McCoy
Katie & Bill McNamara
Paul Mead
Misha & Mark Melehes
Kathryn Iverson & Michael Menzel
Kristi Meston
Marcia & Dave Miller
Gael Minton
Allison & Dave Monroe
Deirdre & Ben Morris
Mary Mullaney & Ralph Mossman
Molly Grove & Tom Murphy
Jaime Musnicki
Jill Naylor-Yarger
Peggy, Stephanie & Dave Nishio
Liz & Derrick Nobman
Kathleen & John Norton
Julie & Will Obering
Natasha England & Jake Orion
Mary Lou & Pete Oslund
Beverly Palm
Dan Pauroso
Shawna Burge & Andy Pearson
Hank Perry
Jaclyn Pierce
Liz Pitcher & Hugh Pitcher
Kathleen & Sean Plourde
Josie Gray & Jared Power
Lynne Wolfe & Dan Powers
Linda & John Prentice
Eric Rawlins
Debbie & Ron Razzolini
Ellen & Jim Rein
Cheryl & Jim Reinertsen
Heidi & Douglas Riggs
Jackie & Sean Riley
Anne & John Robertson
Molly Robertson-Goodrich
Fallon & Matt Ryan
Kelly & Jim Sadauckas
Brooke & Donn Saindon
Lynn Sandmann
Pam Sather
Angela & Philip Scarola
Miriam & Dean Scofield
Sabine Soft Furnishings – Sabine Shannon
Mary Shouf
Nancy Siverd
Kyle Smithers
Sue & Austin Spitzer
Guch Lombardi & Chuck Spray
Megan Bybee & Jacob Starley
Andy Steele
Alice & Robert Stevenson
Kathy & Jerry Stillman
Amy Fradley & David Strickland
LeAnn & Tom Talbot
Jeff Taylor
Julia Tellman
Jenna & Ray Thompson
Tye Tilt
Kim & Frank Trotter
Rich Troy
Amy & Steve Unfried
Vickie & Neil Van Dresar
Betty & Mylan VanNewkirk
Victor Emporium
Claire Vitucci
Pam & Tom Walker
Kelly & Todd Waller
Astrid & Todd Warden
Annette & Jeff White
Liz Davy & Michael Whitfield
Mary Wilmarth
Caroline Herter & Ben Winship
Susie & David Work
Joyce & Felix Zajac
“We support the Community Foundation because its efforts reach every nonprofit in Teton Valley, and thus nearly every citizen, directly or indirectly. What’s great about the Community Foundation, in general, is that, through their Matching Grant, Competitive Grants, Nonprofit Development, innovative initiatives like Youth Philanthropy, and when needed, crisis response, their reach is uniquely broad. No matter what amount is given, we as donors, are confident that the Community Foundation will wisely steward resources to help everyone in the wider community. This kind of impact makes the Community Foundation an invaluably effective organization and remarkable in a community of this size.”

Jeanne & Peter Anderson
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Community Foundation of Teton Valley
The Board and staff of the Community Foundation consistently keep the success of local nonprofits at the center of their mission – to elevate lives through the power of generosity.
2020 Board of Directors:

The 2020 Board of Directors made big decisions that had a large impact on local nonprofits during a critical year of both services and funding. Through their hard work and dedication, the Community Foundation was able to make our highest Matching Grant to date. They are adamant about supporting nonprofits from within and consistently increasing our impact in the community. The Community Foundation deeply appreciates their service and support.
With Gratitude:

Justin Bowersock
Justin served for three years on our Board of Directors. He challenged the team to think in new strategic ways and shared his financial expertise readily. We greatly appreciate his help and efforts.

Herb Heimerl
Herb kindly supported the Community Foundation through three terms, beginning in 2010. After another 2 years as Board Emeritus, we’re sorry to see Herb step away, but look forward to his continued support.

In Memoriam: Susan Rose
Susan joined the board in January 2019. She was an avid supporter of local nonprofits, the arts, and education. Sadly, she passed away in March, 2021. The Community Foundation was lucky to have 2 years of her service, for which we are grateful.
2020 Staff
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Support the Community Foundation of Teton Valley!
The Community Foundation works to support nonprofits from the inside out – through continuing education, best practices, networking, competitive grants, and our Tin Cup Challenge Matching Grant that covers basic operational costs for organizations.

As the hub for Teton Valley nonprofits, consider supporting the whole community by supporting the Community Foundation of Teton Valley. Together we are stronger.
Local nonprofits fill critical roles in our rural community. This became even more apparent in 2020. The Community Foundation’s main focus and primary goal are to provide a foundation for our nonprofit community to build upon. With your donation, you provide stability, consistency, resources, a shoulder to lean on, and a ready cheerleader for all of Teton Valley’s nonprofits year-round.
Thank you for your support!
Join us for the 14th Annual Tin Cup Challenge
2021 Tin Cup Challenge Giving Period: June 1st – July 23rd.
The Community Foundation is a nonprofit too! Remember the Community Foundation of Teton Valley when making your designated nonprofit Tin Cup gifts this year and join us to celebrate Teton Valley’s hard working nonprofits and our generous community on Event Day – Saturday, July 17th in the Driggs City Park – Run for nonprofits!