Filling the gaps in Mental Health Services – $5,000
In order to offer the most impactful and effective services to valley residents, programs need a sound foundation. At the Community Foundation, we know that such planning can build future sustainability and long-term stability. A significant gap in care offered to valley residents exists in the capacity of mental health, an area where people often suffer in silence, and do not receive the treatment and care they need and deserve.
Teton Valley residents need affordable and accessible mental health care. Statistics show that currently, one in five residents experience a mental health illness each year. And, in Idaho, suicide is the 8th leading cause of death for people 15-34. Nine local deaths between the years 2012-2016 reflect this statewide trend.
Another layer of this complex issue is access to health insurance. Teton Valley Hospital’s most recent data reflect that 26% of valley residents are uninsured. Community programs have been unable to keep up with the growing need presented by residents facing obstacles to mental health. The coalition has determined that a more critical look at the community is imperative.
In order to address this in a sustainable manner, the coalition aims to unite community members and providers to identify the gaps in mental health services, develop and implement the strategic plan they collaboratively design. Professional facilitators from ‘Leadership at Play’ will guide the Teton Valley Mental Health Coalition and other key community players through this process.
This grant upholds all three of the Community Foundation’s strategic pillars: invest, empower and enrich. We are confident that by investing in this strategic planning process, we can empower our key stakeholders in the mental health arena to enrich the lives of residents in need of mental health services.