Consider making a designated gift to the Community Foundation of Teton Valley during the 13th Annual Tin Cup Challenge:

The Community Foundation of Teton Valley offers Nonprofit Leadership Training over the Fall, Winter, and Spring. These workshops provide professional training opportunities that are specifically designed to make local nonprofits more effective.
From a programming standpoint, the Community Foundation strategically aligns workshops so that each workshop builds upon the next with overarching themes over the course of both Spring and Fall offerings. In 2019, the Community Foundation focused on fundraising, grant writing, nonprofit governance, and marketing over the course of our Spring workshops. These courses helped prepare nonprofits for the summer season of marketing and fundraising and readied them for the Community Foundation’s Competitive Grant process. Fall classes had an internal strategic focus on building a strong board of directors, augmenting the partnership between executive directors and their boards, and program assessment.
2019 Workshop Statistics

These workshops allow the Community Foundation to support nonprofits from within by providing continuing education to ensure that best practices are maintained throughout board or executive director turn-over. All of our workshops encourage participation from nonprofit leaders and board members alike. Our hope is that well-educated board members will continue to serve on a variety of local boards and help disseminate the best practices they’ve learned from the Community Foundation and our presenters.
In addition to our standard workshops, the Community Foundation of Teton Valley has expanded Nonprofit Leadership programming to include free, 1-hour Pocket Talks for the community. Our 1-hour Pocket Talks provide a venue to disseminate information with quick takeaways. We’ve hosted Pocket Talks on Board Orientation, How to Read a Financial Statement, Navigating Marketing, and Communication in Disruptive Times so far this year. With the onset of the pandemic, the majority of these have been successfully hosted over Zoom.
Our quarterly Talk with Tim series for executive directors allows nonprofit leaders to share their successes, brainstorm relevant issues facing local nonprofits and our community, and collaborate. In a timely manner, the first quarterly Talk with Tim was scheduled for March 16th. As we all began to shelter-in-place, this meeting was immediately moved to Zoom and provided a welcome place for nonprofit leaders to congregate and share the plethora of information that was coming forth. Given that information was changing daily, this program shifted on-the-spot to become a Weekly Nonprofit Check-in through mid-June. The Community Foundation was honored to host this collaborative effort to ensure that nonprofits had equal access to information, websites, steps, and contacts when applying for the Payroll Protection Plan and other Coronavirus relief options.
Together these efforts allow us to be a networking hub for local nonprofits. The Community Foundation offers a safe place to share internal and external struggles, ensuring that nonprofits never have to walk the path alone.
Assure a solid foundation for all nonprofits by supporting the Community Foundation of Teton Valley with a designated gift before 5 PM on July 24th!