The partnership between the Executive Director and the Board is essential to the success of any nonprofit organization. This workshop will go beyond the basic understanding of roles and responsibilities. At the end of the workshop participants will have created a model for a powerful, supportive, and sustainable working relationship.
The relationship between the Board and the Executive Director is often tricky. Some EDs feel over-scrutinized, others feel entirely ignored. Some EDs can’t quite figure out how to work with their Board, and others defer to the Board Chair for everything.
On the other hand, some Boards micro-manage, and others rubber-stamp ED decisions. Some Board Chairs are asked to do so much that they get burnt out and feel like employees, and others just feel that it’s enough that their name is listed as a Board Member.
During this workshop, we’ll explore creating a powerful leadership partnership between the Executive Director and the Board. This workshop was developed to have the Executive Director and a Board Representative participate together.