Established in 2013 to fulfill the need for a dedicated group focused exclusively on dirt trails, mountain bike resources, and community engagement, Mountain Bike the Tetons has worked tirelessly to realize our mission to build a vibrant, healthy community through enhancing recreational & economic opportunities in the Teton Region through the development of our outstanding mountain biking resources.
MBT employs a seasonal, full-time trail crew committed to maintaining trails in the Teton region, is deeply involved in regional recreational resource advocacy work, operates Sprockids – a youth mountain bike education program, and hosts local community mountain bike race events. In 2023, MBT’s trail crew maintained 140 miles of trail and hosted 107 volunteers, our program staff coached and taught valuable trail etiquette and bike skills to 102 youth and hosted 264 racers in our Teton Dirt Series races and Cariboo Jack Backcountry event.
MBT could simply not continue to preserve and develop singletrack trails and mountain bike resources to enrich our community without funding through the Tin Cup Challenge. This unique opportunity provides MBT with critical funds to pay our executive director a sustainable salary to fulfill our mission and finance crucial operational expenses that are more difficult to secure. We invite you to contribute today through Tin Cup to support our efforts!